Exam Cell


  • The College Principal shall be the Chief Academic and Executive Officer of the Examination Cell.
  • He/She shall be responsible for the preparation, scheduling and conduct of all examinations of the College. The execution of the same may be entrusted to the Convener of Examinations, appointed by the Principal from among permanent faculty members on the basis of potential of the person in accordance with the guidelines of the University.
  • It shall be the duty of the Principal to ensure that the provisions of the Acts, the statutes, ordinance and regulations as and when issued by the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, shall have all powers necessary for this purpose.
  • The Principal shall have the right of visiting and inspecting the examination cell at anytime.
  • He /She shall have the responsibility and power to provide enough man power for the timely completion of work related to the conduct of examinations.
  • The Principal shall have the power to convene meetings of the examination committee or any other authority of the college to discuss matters related to the conduct of examinations.


Examination Committee

The examination committee shall consist of the Principal, Convener of Examinations, and other faculty nominated by the Principal from every department.

The following are the functions of the examination committee.

  • To formulate the policies of the examination and valuation, if any.
  • To act as an advisory body of the matters relating to the conduct of examinations.



The examination system described below will be applicable to all courses, to which admissions were during any academic year.

  • Examination System

Evaluation of all courses (Papers), theory/practical and project/dissertation shall be done by Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) as specified by KTU regulations.


  • Grievance Redressal Committee

There will be provisions for grievance redressal at three levels:

  • At the level of the course teacher concerned.
  • At the level of a departmental committee consisting of the Head of the Department, a coordinator of internal assessment for each programme – nominated by the HOD and the course teacher concerned.
  • At the level of the College, a committee consisting of the Principal, Convener of Examinations, Head of the concerned Department and one member of the College council nominated by the Principal every year.

The grievances regarding continuous internal assessment (CIA) shall be filed at the first and second levels within two working days of the publication of the consolidated results of concerned examination and the decision shall be taken within the next two working days. The third level complaints shall be made within five working days after the publication of the consolidated marks

and the shall be taken within the next five working days.


2.3 Examination Cell

In accordance with the guidelines of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, there will be an examination cell headed by the Convener of Examinations(CE) who will be a permanent faculty appointed by the Principal on the basis of the potential of the person in accordance with statutory stipulations if any.

The Convener of Examinations will create his/her own team with the approval of the Principal of the College. The team shall consist of one faculty per Department and depending on the quantum of work in the examination cell. Teachers working in the college shall be nominated to the examination cell for tenure of 3 years. They will continue doing their teaching work as scheduled by the college. There shall be a team of office assistants, data entry operators and other helpers in the examination cell. Examination cell will have appropriate infrastructure for generating question papers and other relevant confidential materials.


23.1 Brief details of the Exam Cell, its Powers and Duties


  1. Convener of Examinations

The Convener of Examinations shall be responsible for the conduct of all examinations of the college and it shall be his/her duty to arrange for preparation, scheduling, conduct ofexaminations of the College and all other contingent matters connected with examinations. The Convener of Examinations in the execution of his/her office shall report to the Principal on the performance of his/her duties. The Convener of Examination should take earnest efforts to see that all examinations are conducted as per the scheduled academic calendar.


The responsibilities of the Convener of Examinations shall include:

  • He/she shall be responsible for the conduct of all examinations and it shall be his/her duty to arrange for the preparation, scheduling, evaluation and reporting of all examinations.
  • Direct superintending control over the examination wing including examination sections, examination confidential wing, examination stores, examination computer section and records.
  • Taking decision on all matters related to examinations not falling within the powers of statutory officers of the College.
  • Making necessary arrangements for the safe custody of office files connected with the conduct of examinations of the College, documents, certificates etc. by the officers under whom such documents are kept.
  • He/she shall convene meetings and issue notices to the members of examination cell and committees appointed by the examination cell and conduct official communications thereof.
  • He/she shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the exam cell.
  • Taking special care to see that secrecy and confidentiality are kept in connection with all examinations of the College.
  • Taking quick decisions as circumstances warrant with or without taking advice from examination cell.
  • Exercising control over the space allotted for the examination wing. Further he/she should ensure that the rooms, building, laboratories, stores etc are well in order/prepared to conduct the examinations.

The Convener of Examinations shall prepare the examination calendar for every academic year/semester, well in advance, and shall publish the same in the College notice boards/website. The information regarding the same shall be passed to Heads of all Departments.

All examinations of the year/semester shall be conducted as per the examination calendar. No separate notification shall be issued.


3.1 Issue of Time Table of the Examinations

The Convener of Examinations shall issue the time table of various examinations in every semester, at least two weeks prior to examinations.

3.2 Question Paper Bundles

The required question papers shall be packed in sealed covers with details regarding the name of examination, the month and year of examination, name of the subject, date and time of examination and number of copies of question papers enclosed. A question paper statement in prescribed format shall be prepared showing the details regarding the name of examination, the month and year of examination, code, number of question papers required and the number of question paper packets prepared. The statement and the entries on question paper covers shall be compared and ensured that entries are correct.

  • Methods of Examinations
  • Unless otherwise provided for, Examination shall be conducted by one or more of the following methods:
  1. Written        b. Practical         c. Oral          d. Computer assisted testing
  • Candidates must answer question papers, in English language, unless otherwise stated therein.

4.2 Prohibition of Religious Belief or Profession or Political Views

No question shall be put at any examination calling for a declaration of religious belief or profession or political views on the part of the candidates and no answer given by any candidate shall be objected to on the ground of its giving expression to any particular form of religious belief, profession or political views.

4.3 Appointment of Chief Superintendent, Additional Chief Superintendent etc.

Principal shall be the Chief Superintendent of all examinations conducted in the College. However, Principal can handover the charge to the senior most teacher on special situations. An Additional Chief Superintendent and such other staff as required for the conduct of the examinations at the College shall be appointed by the Principal.

4.4 Important Notes to the Invigilators

  1. No Candidates need be admitted if they do not have valid ID card/hall tickets.
  2. Candidates shall be admitted to the examination room 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
  3. No students shall be admitted to the examination hall 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination.
  4. See that strict silence is maintained in the examination hall. Taking amongst candidates, borrowing of materials etc. should be strictly forbidden.
  5. Do not give any clarifications to the students regarding mistakes in question paper, mode of answering etc. If any, ask the candidates to give it in writing to the Chief Superintendent, who, in turn will forward the same to the CE.
  6. Allow the use of logarithm tables, calculators etc. only if the use of these are permitted as per the instructions given in the question paper.
  7. Do not allow mobile phones or any electronic equipment in the examination hall.
  8. Keep alert, vigil and check the use of unfair means in the examination hall, In case of any unfair indulgence, immediately take custody of the answer book and make a report to the Chief Superintendent who, in tum will forward the same to the CE.
  9. Do not allow any candidate to write on the question paper. Advise them to use the last page of the answer book for rough work.
  10. Do not allow refreshments for the candidates in the examination hall.
  11. Do not make any correction in the roll number written by a candidate on his/her answer book. In any such cases ask him/her to correct it and then counter sign it.
  12. Candidates should not be allowed to leave the hall before the expiry of half an hour from the finish of the examination.
  13. Permit the candidates to leave the examination hall only after handing over the answer book to the invigilator.

4.5 Instructions to Candidates

  1. The candidates should bring their ID card on all days of the examination failing which they will not be admitted to the examination hall.
  2. The candidates should enter the examination room at least 15 minutes before the commencement of examination and shall not leave the room during the last ten minutes. In exceptional cases, the Chief Superintendent can permit relaxation up to a maximum of 30 minutes for candidates to enter the examination hall. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination room before 30 minutes after the commencement of examinations.
  3. Candidates are permitted to use only blue or black ink pens for writing examinations.
  4. No materials except, writing materials and hall ticket are allowed in the examination room. Mobile phones, programmable calculators and other electronic equipment are strictly prohibited in the examination room. Logarithm tables, calculators and other drawing equipment may be allowed only if they are required for answering questions and the question paper contains a note to this effect, with the permission of the invigilator.
  5. Instances of malpractice such as copying using manuscripts, copying from other candidates, smuggling of answer books, indecent behaviour in the examination room, and use of unfair means etc. are liable to be punished as per college rules.
  6. The candidates should write their roll numbers/stick the bar code, name of examination etc inappropriate places in the answer books. Instructions given in the answer books and question paper should be strictly followed.
  7. They should not write anything in the question paper other than their names and register numbers. Last page of the main question booklet can be used for rough work.
  8. Strict silence should be maintained in the examination room. Candidates are not allowed to get clarifications from other students. In case of any doubt, they can seek the help of the invigilator.
  9. They should return all answer books and unused additional sheets before leaving the room. The candidates are not permitted to leave the examinations room without the permission of the invigilator during the course of examination.
  10. The candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination.
  11. Invigilators are instructed to refuse to answer any inquiries what so ever, relating the question papers whether an explanation of the meaning or the correction of typographical errors. Candidates are not allowed to write anything except the register numbers and names on the question papers supplied to them.
  12. Candidates shall take their places in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the time fixed for giving out the question papers. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the commencement of the examination should not be admitted for the examination of that day.
  13. The rule that candidates should not be allowed to leave the hall before the expiry of half an hour from the finish of the examination may be strictly enforced.
  14. No candidates shall be allowed to leave the examination hall till the expiry of half an hour after a question paper has been given out and no candidate who leaves the room during the period allotted for the paper shall be allowed to return within that period.
  15. Candidates shall be permitted to leave the examination hall only after his/her answer book is taken charge of by the invigilator on duty in the hall. They should not be permitted to leave the hall after keeping their answer books in their seats.



  • Academic calendar
    • With reference to the university academic calendar internal exams are planned.
  • Formation of Exam Committee
      • Members for the exam committee (from each department) are selected by the academic council which includes Principal, Exam cell convener and Head of the Departments.
  • Planning
    • The academic council decides the dates and timetable of the internal examinations. 
    • The committee meets the Principal and plans for the forthcoming exams.
  • Circular
    • A circular to all staff members is sent mentioning the dates and subjects with time and session.
  • The circular requests for a question paper.
  • Display the detailed timetable on the exam cell notice board and all department notice boards.
  • Question Papers Setting:
    • The respective subject teachers set their Question Papers and will submit the same to the Exam cell convener after department wise scrutiny.
    • Preparation of Question Paper is as per university regulations.
  • Requirements
    • Arrangements are made demanding the number of required copies of the question paper.
  • All the necessary steps are taken to print the question paper.
  • Arrangements of answer scripts, accounts sheets, graph sheets, thread were made.
  • Rooms identification and intimation to All HoDs & In-charges
    • Identifying the examination halls and intimation to the Manager is made for necessary arrangements.
  • Preparation of Examination Cell                                          
    • Preparation of consolidated seating plan and attendance sheets.
  • Students will be intimated the same on the previous day of the examinations through different notice boards and entry points near steps.
  • Request for security persons to control the flow and to support the examination system.
  • Allotment of Department wise Invigilators
    • Invigilators are selected based on the need and are intimated.
  • Class room Boards cleaning
    • The class room board cleaning duty is assigned to non teaching staff.
  • Distribution of Question Papers to halls
      • The invigilators on the day of Examination carry question papers along with them to the examination hall.
  • Attendance sheet
    • Attendance sheet statements are arranged on the daily basis.
  • It will be taken by the invigilators to the exam halls along with the question paper cover.
  • It will be collected and submitted at the examination cell.
  • Absentees Statements for all examinations
    • A consolidated attendance sheet statement is circulated to all the rooms to get information of the strength of the students.
    • After every examination, branch wise consolidated absentee’s statements are prepared and informed to all department HoDs.
  • Collection and Submission of answer scripts from invigilators to Subject Teachers
    • Branch wise answer scripts will be collected from invigilators
    • The same will be handed over to the respective subject teachers
  • University Internal assessment marks are evaluated based on the internal examination.
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